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Single Sign on with OIDC

Planka can be configured to use an OIDC provider for logging in. If a user doesn't exist it will be automatically created. If a user exists and the email claim matches the email stored in Planka the accounts will be linked.

Required Configuration Values

  • OIDC_ISSUER: URL pointing to the identity provider. This is used to pull the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint that is used to identify the necessary endpoints.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_ID: The OAUTH client id you created in the identity provider.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: The OAUTH client secret you created in the identity provider.

Optional Configuration Values

  • OIDC_SCOPES: Scopes to request from the identity provider. This controls what values the OAuth client has access to. Planka needs the email and name claims. By default it requests openid profile email.
  • OIDC_ADMIN_ROLES: Looks in the claim declared by OIDC_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE to see if the user is an admin. By default the admin role is used.
  • OIDC_CLAIMS_SOURCE: Controls the source of the claims for OIDC token, can be id_token or userinfo. By default userinfo is used.
  • OIDC_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE: The claim containing the email. By default email is used.
  • OIDC_NAME_ATTRIBUTE: The claim containing the name. By default name is used.
  • OIDC_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE: The claim containing the username. By default preferred_username is used.
  • OIDC_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE: The claim containing the group/roles that will be used to identify an admin. It is expected that this will be a flat list. By default groups is used.
  • OIDC_IGNORE_USERNAME: If set to true the OIDC_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE will be ignored. This is useful if the format of usernames in your identity provider differs from the format in Planka. By default it's not ignored.
  • OIDC_IGNORE_ROLES: If set to true the OIDC_ADMIN_ROLES and OIDC_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE will be ignored. This is useful if you want to use OIDC for authentication but not for authorization. Like that the user roles will be managed by Planka. By default they're not ignored.
  • OIDC_ENFORCED: If set to true all built-in authentication/authorization will be deactivated. By default it's not enforced.



This is an example of the environment variables used to configure Planka to use Authentik. It will work with any OIDC provider.

OIDC_SCOPES=openid profile email
# OIDC_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE=preferred_username

At least these values will need to be modified:

  • auth.local is the domain authentik is running on.
  • sxxaAIAxVXlCxTmc1YLHBbQr8NL8MqLI2DUbt42d is the client id generated by authentik.
  • om4RTMRVHRszU7bqxB7RZNkHIzA8e4sGYWxeCwIMYQXPwEBWe4SY5a0wwCe9ltB3zrq5f0dnFnp34cEHD7QSMHsKvV9AiV5Z7eqDraMnv0I8IFivmuV5wovAECAYreSI is the client secret generated by authentik.
  • planka-admin is the group in authentik, this is used to create admin accounts (or alternatively you can set OIDC_IGNORE_ROLES to true)


  • Go to
  • Select a existing project at the top or create a new one
  • Select “create credentials”
  • Pick oAuth Client ID
  • Application type: Web application
  • Name: Planka
  • Add Redirect URI:
  • Set the displayed ClientID and Client Secret as environment variables
OIDC_SCOPES=openid profile email

Synology SSO

  • Folllow the Synology SSO Server Tutorial and create a new OIDC application.
  • Use https://my-planka.url/oidc-callback as Redirect URI
  • Set the following environment variables into your config
OIDC_NAME_ATTRIBUTE=email # This is important because Synology does not support profile scope
OIDC_SCOPES=openid email