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Thanks to decole for the amazing work. For more information, see Github Repo

Tested on Planka version 1.10.3 Implemented all entrypoints for the bar version 1.10.3 and later.


composer require decole/planka-php-sdk

How to use

See /src/PlankaClient.php


use Planka\Bridge\PlankaClient;
use Planka\Bridge\TransportClients\Client;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$config = new Config(
user: 'login',
password: '***************',
baseUri: '', //
port: 3000 // 443

$planka = new PlankaClient($config);


$result = $client->project->list();


You can test this bundle for Rest API with a test script, in the folder/tests/index.php

Copy config.example.php for config.php and customize to your planka credentials.

In the test script, comments describe what is being done and the project, board and card are also created and carried out with them manipulations, at the end of the card, board and project are deleted.

All necessary entrypoints are conveniently divided into controllers. You can view the controllers in the src/Controllers/ folder.

Result data output is strongly typed and returned in Dto objects