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Production Version

Docker Compose

Create a folder to store the compose file

mkdir /opt/planka

Download the docker-compose.yml

curl -L -o /opt/planka/docker-compose.yml

Generate a secret key

openssl rand -hex 64

Enter the folder and edit docker-compose.yml Past in your generated SECRET_KEY, change the BASE_URL und setup your default admin user by uncommenting the lines starting with DEFAULTADMIN

cd /opt/planka
nano docker-compose.yml

Pull images and start services

docker-compose up -d

Now you can browse to http://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME:YOUR_PORT and login as YOUR_ADMIN_EMAIL with password YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD


If you're not using Docker volumes and prefer to directly link folders (bind mounts), you'll need to adjust the permissions of those folders. This allows the default user running the Node.js application (usually called "node" and has a user ID of 1000) to make changes to the files and folders inside. You can achieve this by running the following command: chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/path